
Older Photographs from the Hurstwic Photo Album

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A recent practice session:
Fundamentals of Viking Age
Sword and Shield Combat

practice practice practice
Promotional Videos
for Higgins Armory Museum
Viking combat demo promotional spot

30 sec promotional video for
weekend programs at the museum
Lower resolution served from YouTube
Higher resolution served from Hurstwic


í Higgins Armory Museum
á íslensku

video of Viking combat demo material

combat video
for museum PR use

sword and shield workshop

Sword and Shield
Combat Workshop at
Higgins Armory Museum

sword and shield workshop

in association with
Higgins Armory Sword Guild

sword and shield workshop sword and shield workshop

Techniques taught at the
workshop are outlined in
Hurstwic Arms and Armor page.

Higgins Armory Museum audience

Viking Arms and Armor
Presentations at
Higgins Armory Museum

See? No horns!   ax demo pattern welded sword

Examining a
pattern welded
sword blade

preparing for a demo leg cut shield bind shield bind
shield kick head cut chop off spear head ankle grab with ax
kid with helm many questions examining an axe

examining an axe...

audience with spear 

...and a spear

I don't know what this is

School Visits

Alcott school classroom trying on helmets lots of questions

Alcott school classroom

Alcott school classroom what's this?  
visitor demonstrations

Living History Timeline
sponsored by the Living History Association

escaping baby kids from different periods dressing baby
cooking fish warming up for breakfast fire at dusk Wulfhelm and Leafrig
fire at sunrise

Wulfhelm at the fire

tent interior Leafrig by the fire
Baby and Wulfhelm baby spar

sparring practice

baby with helm Wulfhelm under attack

thirsty child

mother and child winter walk Asdis and Thorleifur


Astrid wulfhelm Leafrig

winter rest

winter walk

skating with bone ice skates-
more information on the ice skating page



Video shoot
Test and demo footage for a
feature film project:
Time Trail an Atlantic Artists Production

attack recon party under attack

Also available:
A one minute video clip (3MB QuickTime) created from
the raw footage shot that day.

film link
Directed and Photographed by Alec Asten.
Music by Bjorn Lynne.
Post production by Talking Dog Productions.

recon arrives


warm feet



fire waiting for the pot to boil preparing the glop

at the shoe merchant

Wulfhelm and baby


yule feast family baby walking
baby Wulfhelm patrol  


©1999-2025 William R. Short
Contact us at Hurstwic, LLC